Collaborative Divorce

Providence Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Helping Families Resolve Divorce and Custody Issues with Less Stress

The idea of going to court to resolve your divorce or custody dispute can be overwhelming. You may be concerned about the expense and the time it will take. You may be worried about how the process will affect your children. You may be concerned about how the court will decide the complex financial issues in your case.

At Steven G. Wright, Attorney at Law, we understand your concerns and can help you resolve your case in a more private and efficient manner. We offer collaborative divorce and custody services to clients in Providence.

Call (401) 287-4734 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our firm.

What Is Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that is designed to help couples resolve their divorce or custody issues outside of court. The process is voluntary and confidential.

The collaborative divorce process is built on the mutual agreement of the couple to work together to find a resolution that works for both parties. The couple and their attorneys sit down together to discuss the issues in the case and work out a solution.

The goal of the collaborative divorce process is to help the couple reach a settlement that is fair and works for both parties and their children. The process is less adversarial than litigation and allows the couple more control over the outcome.

Who Is Involved in the Collaborative Divorce Process?

In a collaborative divorce, the couple may have a team of professionals working with them to help them reach a settlement.

The team may include:

The team will work together to help the couple resolve their case. The team may meet with the couple together or the couple may meet with the team separately.

Is Collaborative Divorce the Right Choice for Me?

Collaborative divorce is not for everyone. If there is a power imbalance in your relationship or you have been a victim of domestic violence, collaborative divorce may not be the best choice for you.

However, if you and your spouse are able to work together to find a resolution, collaborative divorce can be a great choice. The process is less adversarial than litigation and can help you resolve your case more efficiently.

What Are the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce?

There are many benefits to choosing collaborative divorce over litigation.

Some of the benefits include:

  • It is less expensive than litigation. In a collaborative divorce, the couple shares the cost of the professionals working with them. This can help keep the cost of the process down.
  • It is less stressful than litigation. The collaborative divorce process is less adversarial than litigation and can help the couple resolve their case in a more private manner.
  • It is more private than litigation. In a collaborative divorce, the couple is not required to file any documents with the court. This can help keep their case out of the public record.
  • It is more efficient than litigation. In a collaborative divorce, the couple works with a team of professionals to help them resolve their case. This can help the couple resolve their case more efficiently.
  • It allows the couple more control over the outcome than litigation. In a collaborative divorce, the couple and their attorneys work together to find a resolution that works for both parties and their children. The couple has more control over the outcome than they would in litigation.

What Is the Difference Between Collaborative Divorce and Mediation?

Collaborative divorce and mediation are both types of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that are designed to help couples resolve their divorce or custody issues outside of court.

However, there are some differences between the two processes. In a mediation, the couple works with a neutral third party to help them reach a settlement. The mediator is not there to represent either party. The mediator is there to help the couple communicate with each other and find a resolution that works for both parties and their children.

In a collaborative divorce, the couple works with a team of professionals to help them resolve their case. The team may include attorneys, financial professionals, and child custody specialists. The team works together to help the couple reach a settlement.

The couple and their attorneys will meet with the team together or the couple will meet with the team separately. The couple and their attorneys will also work together to find a resolution that works for both parties and their children.

Both mediation and collaborative divorce are great choices for couples who are able to work together to find a resolution. However, if you and your spouse are unable to communicate with each other, litigation may be the best choice for you.

What Is the Difference Between Collaborative Divorce and Litigation?

Collaborative divorce is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that is designed to help couples resolve their divorce or custody issues outside of court. The process is voluntary and confidential.

In a collaborative divorce, the couple works together to find a resolution that works for both parties and their children. The couple and their attorneys will sit down together to discuss the issues in the case and work out a solution.

The goal of the process is to help the couple reach a settlement that is fair and works for both parties and their children. The process is less adversarial than litigation and allows the couple more control over the outcome.

In a litigation, the couple will go to court to resolve their divorce or custody issues. The court will make the final decision in the case. The couple will have little control over the outcome.

The litigation process is also more adversarial than collaborative divorce and can take longer. The litigation process can also be more expensive.

Collaborative divorce is a great choice for couples who can work together to find a resolution. However, if you and your spouse are unable to communicate with each other, litigation may be the best choice for you.

How Can Steven G. Wright, Attorney at Law Help Me with My Collaborative Divorce?

At Steven G. Wright, Attorney at Law, we can help you resolve your case through the collaborative divorce process. We have been helping clients resolve their family law issues for years. We understand the complexities of the collaborative divorce process and can help you resolve your case in a more private and efficient manner.

Our firm offers personalized legal services to each of our clients. We work closely with our clients to help them understand the process and their rights. We will guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions about your case.

Get Help with Your Collaborative Divorce Today

If you are considering filing for divorce or need help resolving a custody dispute, we can help. At Steven G. Wright, Attorney at Law, we have been helping clients resolve their family law disputes for decades. We understand the complexities of the collaborative divorce process and can help you find a resolution that works for you and your children.

Call (401) 287-4734 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our firm.