Providence, RI Legal Separation Attorney
Understanding Separation of Rights & Responsibilities
A legal separation is a way for couples to separate their lives and property without ending their marriage. It allows the parties to resolve issues such as child custody and support, spousal support, division of assets and debts, and other matters without the same legal consequences as a divorce. While many couples are able to reach an agreement regarding these matters, the parties may need the assistance of a family law attorney to help them reach an agreement.
At Steven G. Wright, Attorney at Law, P.C., we understand the unique issues faced by couples, and we are familiar with the rules and procedures that apply to them. We are also experienced in handling property division and other divorce-related matters in complex and high asset divorces.
What Is a Legal Separation?
A legal separation is a legally documented process that allows a couple to separate without ending their marriage. It allows the parties to live apart and to resolve issues such as child custody, spousal support, division of assets and debts, and other matters without the same legal consequences as a divorce.
While many couples are able to reach an agreement regarding these matters, the parties may need the assistance of a family law attorney to help them reach an agreement.
Obtain Legal Separation in Rhode Island
If you are married and want to obtain a legal separation, you and your spouse must file a petition with the Family Court in the county where you reside. In your petition, you must state that:
- You and your spouse have decided to live apart;
- You do not wish to live as husband and wife;
- You desire to obtain a separation.
You may wish to seek the assistance of a family law attorney to help you with the petition. A lawyer can help you ensure that the petition is properly prepared and filed, and drafted in a way that will help you obtain your desired outcome.
There are many advantages to hiring an attorney for your legal separation. Contact my office for a free initial consultation!